Client Reviews

"We did staff surveys - you boosted our team engagement from 40% to 80% in only 3 days!!! Thank you!!!”"

— Lenz, CEO, Portugal

"The key benefit for me is that she helps me gain focus and clarity on what I should pursue that will keep my business on track. Having that and external accountability is huge for someone of my personality type. I cannot overstate just how much value Jen provides"

— Tim J., Founder, NZ

"Jen is a fantastic mentor who provides specific guidance and support that’s tailored to exactly where I am at the moment. She’s incredibly thoughtful, encouraging and also offers honest feedback and direction. It’s a perfect balance that helped me get back on track. I highly recommend her."

— Dominic A., Marketing and Brand Manager, USA

"I was unsure how to bring a new business idea to fruition. Throughout our short but intensive time together, Jen drew on her practical tools to help me gain clarity quickly. I was surprised how quickly! Equally important, she held the space for the answers to burst through. Few people can confidently facilitate transformation in an area in need of renewal - yet Jen can. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you’ve shaken up and shone a light on!"

— Cat, Mental Health Professional, New Zealand

"You have pushed me outside my various comfort zones over years. I resolved major decisions and improved my productivity no end."

— Ben R., AI Expert and Consultant, NZ

"Thank you so much for joining us and leading a very thought-provoking session. You have a great ability to get people relaxed - which is not easy for us bankers, I can tell you. You gave our team fantastic tools on how to get our brain working for us, so that we can deal with a constantly changing world and the level of complexity in our lives."

— Stephen, BNZ Managing Partner, NZ

"Jen is a fantastic facilitator, engages very well with everyone at different levels. She adds so much value and allows others to connect with each other - a platform of genuine learning and fostering professional connection."

— Jason T, Regional Coordinator, NZ

"Let me tell you about Jen’s coaching approach - it is fun and engaging! She has a knack for making goal session exercises enjoyable. She helps you identify obstacles - so you can achieve clarity. Jen is giving it her all. If you are looking for a coach who will challenge you in an engaging way, she is your go-to-coach. I’m still reeling from our session - Brilliant!"

— Neng M, Senior Art Director, Singapore

"Whenever I have a project to manage, a concept to brainstorm or an obstacle to work through, I contact Jen. Not only does she inspire and motivate - she offers practical, startingly simple solutions that can be implemented quickly in your business. Her ideas are the result of extensive and continuous research and experience coaching on an international scale."

— Megan W, Real Estate Professional, NZ

"Wow! Amazing how the templates have been prepared. I am not used to this - someone competent and kind just saves the day, knows what to do - you are really thinking of everything! Thank you soooo much!"

— Nika L, EU Project Manager, Spain

"I have a better sense of self and feel better equipped to prioritise our program of work. You made everything very simple to follow, highly engaging."

— Wendy, Founder, NZ

"Thank you for your mentoring, your advice regarding identifying talents from our candidate pool is very helpful. I appreciated your workshop and will share with my team members!"

— Tomotaka I, BDM, Honda, Japan

"It’s people like you that make Hackathons so amazing! Thank you Jen, your workshop had me in tears (the good ones) - and the insights, wisdom and mentorship you provided were invaluable."

— Caleb W, Engineer and Founder, NZ

"I went to Jen's Mind Body reset class yesterday, and it was incredible. We had to focus our energy and thoughts onto a 'thing' throughout the class, and being guided by Jen through the the different steps, and viewing it through different lenses really helped me gain clarity on what I was pondering. Jen is an incredible, empathetic and kind teacher, I would highly recommend her class to any one, ever. Thank you so much Jen for creating such a beautiful environment, it is amazing to see all your passions wrapped into one."

— Saskia, Product Manager, Australia

"Jen understands the essence behind your need, and goes further steps ahead of what makes you move forward. Jen won’t settle for less, she inspires you with co-creating options for significant change. From my heart - Many thanks!!!"

— Ahmed F, Director of Strategy & Innovation, Saudi Arabia

"I have had the pleasure of sitting in to observe Jen's facilitation and coaching with several of our New Zealand based cohorts and I have been blown away by her ability to connect personally with each participant and deliver learning in a way that is unique, practical, relatable and conversation based. Jen absolutely steers clear of 'death by PowerPoint' and has a very unique method of bringing learning to life with the use of simple tools such as a notebook, pen and whiteboard. Our program participants have been genuinely and pleasantly surprised and grateful for the opportunity to be coached by Jen, especially enjoying the positive psychology hacks she weaves into each session. Jen is a true connector and her passion for people absolutely shines through her work. I am so pleased we found Jen and am so excited for her continued support with our leadership programs"

— Hayley N, Leadership Dev Specialist, Australia

"Fantastic! The sessions were arranged in a good way to go from an introspective towards the issues that concerned the whole team."

— Timo, CMO, NZ

"Jen's mind-body reset class was phenomenal!
I walked in in my work attire, not knowing what to expect from this yoga, soundscape & coaching class and 1 hour later I walked away calmer, with more clarity and direction, having been guided through introspective questions to unpack a challenge I was facing.
Hard to describe this in words, you need to experience this for yourself!"

— Freya C, Leader, NZ

"My partner Patrick and were facing a big decision - moving back to Germany after 10 years living in New Zealand. We happened to sit next to Jen in a cafe and somehow we started talking. She asked us, if we want to do a little exercise. The result was that we ended up with some incredible tools which helped us breaking everything down to the essentials where we can find our way to make a decision. We have never experienced anything like this before, it was absolutely mind blowing!! We said goodbye with a big hug and a feeling of deep gratitude. For the rest of the day my partner and I just looked at each other, shaking our heads and still couldn't believe that we were so lucky to have met Jen. She has this beautiful charisma, huge knowledge, is present, wise and grounded. We have hardly ever met anyone who is so clear, so switched on and capable of connecting the dots. This random encounter has not left our thoughts and was very meaningful and special."

— Steffi, Partner and Mother, NZ/ Germany


If you're grappling with self-doubt or making tough decisions, my book has stories and self-coaching tools to help you uncover your values and build the confidence to move forward.

Mind Body Reset

If you are dealing with stress or mental blocks, this workshop combines gentle stretches, healing frequencies, and guided coaching questions to help you find solutions to specific challenges.

Change Leaders

Leading a team through change can be daunting. This workshop gives you practical strategies to manage change effectively, engage your team, and achieve lasting transformation.