Change Leaders

Mastering Transformation Together

leaders managers executives in conversations

Leading a team through change can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. The Change Leaders workshop is designed to equip your team with practical tools and strategies to navigate transformation successfully.

In this workshop, your group will:

  • Engage in Core Topics: Choose from a range of crucial subjects like managing time, driving innovation and navigating tough conversations.

  • Learn Practical Tools: Discover simple, actionable strategies that you can apply immediately for a positive change environment and achieve impactful results.

  • Participate in Interactive Discussions: Join engaging exercises, designed to address your specific needs and challenges.

With space for reflection and hands-on activities, participants use pen and paper to document insights and develop actionable plans. Change Leaders helps your team adapt, thrive, and drive successful transformations.

“Thank you so much for joining us and leading a very thought-provoking session. You have a great ability to get people relaxed - which is not easy for us bankers, I can tell you.

You gave our team fantastic tools on how to get our brain working for us, so that we can deal with a constantly changing world and the level of complexity in our lives.”

"I have had the pleasure of sitting in to observe Jen's facilitation and coaching with several of our New Zealand based cohorts and I have been blown away by her ability to connect personally with each participant and deliver learning in a way that is unique, practical, relatable and conversation based.

Jen absolutely steers clear of 'death by PowerPoint' and has a very unique method of bringing learning to life with the use of simple tools such as a notebook, pen and whiteboard. “

How can I help?


If you're grappling with self-doubt or making tough decisions, my book has stories and self-coaching tools to help you uncover your values and build the confidence to move forward.

Mind Body Reset

If you are dealing with stress or mental blocks, this workshop combines gentle stretches, healing frequencies, and guided coaching questions to help you find solutions to specific challenges.